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16th KAO (2016)

  • KAO
  • 16.06.01
  • 1,493
The 16th KAO
1. The 1st Round (document based)
Registration Dates : Mar. 2(Wed)~31(Thu), 2016 (by postmark date)
Host : Korean Astronomical Society
Sponsors : Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute,
                  Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity,
                  Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
Categories & Participant Eligibility   
   [1] School Category
  • Middle School : students enrolled in the 2nd and 3rd grade of middle schools in Korea,

                                 and who were born before Dec. 31, 2002

  • High School : students enrolled in the 1st or 2nd grade of senior high schools in Korea

                      - General High school : including the autonomous private high schools

                     - Science High school : including the high schools for science-gifted education

 [2] Personal Background Category

         Regular Application :  students who are not elligible for the Special Application.

         Special Application :  students whose personal background belong to socially vulnerable groups  

                          such as low-income or welfare families,              
                          rural area residents engaged in agriculture and fishery, persons with disabilities,
                          North Korean refugees and multi-ethnic families, etc. who have an interest in and
                          aptitude for astronomy. 
                          (* supporting documents needed)
          Gender bias improvement application  :      
             The majority gender at the 1st round application can not take up more than 75% in the
             1st selection list. However, the exception is allowed if the total number of the minority
             gender does not exceed 25% of the 1st round selection list.
Documents to be submitted (by online as well as postal delivery or in person):
     - Application forms with academic records section as well as activity records section
     - Self-introduction essay
     - Official school record including the transcript of the previous year
     - Current school principal`s recommendation letter with an official seal
     - Recommendation letter from someone in educational or research institutions who is well
       acquainted with the potential, interest and aptitude of the applicant.
     - Permission to collect and use the personal information of the applicant
Procedure :  Complete the online application forms and send the printed forms as well as the essay along with other required (school records and recommendation letters) or supporting documents by post.
Results (announced online on May. 2, 2016): 290 students (133 from middle schools,  89 from general high schools and 68 from science high schools)are selected in aggregate with no individual awards.

2. The 2nd Round (based on homework assignments and an oral-interview)
Date/Time (oral interview) : Aug. 20(Sat), 2016 / 08:00~12:10, 12:30~17:30
Location : Seoul National University, Bldg. no. 43-1 (Multimedia Building)
Applicant Eligibility for the oral interview : Among those selected from the 1st round, ones as follows qualify for the 2nd round.
    - have participated in the online video lectures given on the website of the Korea Astronomy Olympiad
    - have submitted homework assignments given from June through July at least once.

Format of the oral interview : Contestants are given three multi-step questions for which they have 30 minutes to solve under proctored conditions and 10 minutes to explain the answers to two judges. (calculators are permitted)
    Judges make evaluations on the reasoning ability, problem-solving skills and creative potential
    of students.
Results (announced on Aug. 31, 2016): 81 students (39 from middle schools, 20 from general high schools and 22 from science high schools) are selected without any awards given individually.

¡Ø These students are to be trained via a weekend observational class to be held in the Songam Space Center in September and homework assignments in October through December, 2016 as well as a winter training camp in January, 2017 where they have lectures, labs and night sky observing sessions, while staying together in a dorm for about 10 days.

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23rd KAO (2023)
22nd KAO (2022)
21st KAO (2021)
20th KAO (2020)
19th KAO (2019)
18th KAO (2018)
17th KAO (2017)
16th KAO (2016)
15th KAO (2015)
14th KAO (2014)
13th KAO (2013)
12th KAO (2012)
11th KAO (2011)
10th KAO (2010)
9th KAO (2009)
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